One-Page Summary Organizers
Assess implementation of behavior supports in Full Service Community Schools
Conduct institutional critique of Red and Green School community garden
Conduct MTSS universal screening in reading on all students at the beginning of the year
Establish rationale for FSCS improvement priority, crosswalk and package needs assessment processes
Explore the purpose of K-12 education through lenses of capacity, passion, relevance, and presence
Implement early alert model for postsecondary students by disseminating data to institutions
One-Page Graphic Organizers
Develop Your Data Mindset: Essentials of Educational Data Use
Module 8 - Progress monitoring: Cycle 1 - Select probe level
Module 8 - Progress monitoring: Cycle 3 - Compute end of year goal
Module 8 - Progress monitoring: Cycle 4 - Evaluate risk status
Module 8 - Progress monitoring: Cycle 5 - Evaluate impact of intervention
Module 9 - Periodic assessment for differentiating instruction
Scenario Manuscripts
Capstone Projects
Screencast Videos
Narrative Tables
Grouping Students for Differentiated Instruction Based on Math Performance
Setting Reading Goals with Students and Communicate Progress to Parents During Conferences
Conducting RtI Reading Screening for a New Student Transferring from an In-State District
Grouping Students for Differentiated Instruction Based on Lexile Score
Identifying Potentially at Risk Students Through Universal Screening
Grouping Students for Differentiated Instruction Based on Math Performance
Using CBM data to Conduct RtI Reading Progress Monitoring for a student in an intervention
Using Data in SLDS to Conduct RtI Reading Screening for Students at the Beginning of a School Year
Using Data in SLDS to Conduct RtI Reading Screening for Student Transferring from In-State District
Access Data in SLDS to Assign Leveled Reading Based on Lexile Scores
Access Data in SLDS to Group Students for Differentiated Instruction
Using Data in SLDS to Write an Action Plan for Improving AttendanceĀ
Develop Your Data Mindset Module PDF Slides
Module 5 - Universal Screening
Module 6 - Classroom-Level Goal Setting
Module 7 - Student-Level Goal Setting
Module 8 - Progress Monitoring
Part 3 - Progress Monitoring: Cycle 1 - Select Grade Level Probe - Absorb, Ask, Accumulate
Part 6 - Progress Monitoring: Cycle 2 - Compute Baseline Performance - Answer, Announce, Apply
Part 7 - Progress Monitoring: Cycle 3 - Compute End-of-Year Goal - Absorb, Ask, Accumulate
Part 9 - Progress Monitoring: Cycle 4 - Evaluate Risk Status - Absorb, Ask, Accumulate
Module 9 - Periodic Assessment for Differentiating Instruction
Part 2 - Periodic Assessment for Differentiating Instruction: Absorb, Ask, Accumulate, Access
Part 3 - Periodic Assessment for Differentiating Instruction: Analyze and Answer
Part 4 - Periodic Assessment for Differentiating Instruction: Announce and Apply
Module 10 - Classroom-Level Goal Monitoring
Part 2 - Classroom-Level Goal Monitoring: Accumulate and Access
Part 4 - Classroom-Level Goal Monitoring: Announce and Apply
Module 11 - Student-Level Goal Monitoring
Module 12 - Classroom-Level Goal Evaluation
Part 2 - Classroom-Level Goal Evaluation: Accumulate and Access
Part 4 - Classroom-Level Goal Evaluation: Announce and Apply
Module 13 - Student-Level Goal Evaluation